The benefits of online tuition for both tutors and students has been covered well in this blog post by Matthew Barnes, who is a full time online Biology Tutor. I will write a further post to add to Matthew’s post on why I think online tuition is better than face to face tuition in not just one way, but several ways.
I am slowly converting to almost all exclusively online. There are some tutors and parents who just cannot be convinced about online tuition, so if you are one of them then close your eyes now!

All head towards the land of 0 commuting.
Tutors who work online also network online faster, much faster than they could ever do offline. In fact, since I have started tutoring online, I have been seeking more and more online tutors to exchange notes with, to learn from and to refer each other to potential new students. Each tutor has their unique, individual personality and flair that they bring to the table. I have met several tutors through the Tutor Pages LinkedIn page and also somewhat surprisingly through twitter. I have also had several video conversations with new tutors. I have met and chatted with more tutors in the last two months than I did in the previous 9 years before when I was tutoring face to face. A staggering difference!
Gordon is the latest such convert to online maths tuition, and following on from Matthew’s 100% online tuition model, he is taking the step from next school year to also almost exclusively tutor online. This makes perfect sense. From a tutor’s point of view travelling time and effort are a waste of time and money. There are tutors out there who I have chatted to that are clocking up hundreds of miles per week of driving mileage, not to mention petrol costs and the tiring amount of effort. In London I have to battle a commute, often changing trains and the London metro up to three times. Just one train has to be late to throw my entire day off.
I predict that all the truly great tutors will soon move completely (or almost completely) online. It is inevitable. Someone who values their time knows how precious that time can be for other themselves and for tutoring other students. The quality of life for a tutor improves substantially. There is no reason left to commute. I fully welcome the digital revolution in tutoring and look forward to reporting how things progress for me in the digital domain.